[ESW Wiki] Update of "its0908LinguisticMarkup" by GoutamSaha

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The following page has been changed by GoutamSaha:

  <!-- 22nd Ashwin -->
- <pos_cat name="date" type="dd I MMMM, yyyy" meaning="bangla_date"> 12 I Ashwin, 1412 </pos_cat>
+ <pos_cat name="date" type="dd i MMMM, yyyy" meaning="bangla_date"> 12 i Ashwin, 1412 </pos_cat>
  <!-- 12th Ashwin -->
+ <pos_cat name="date" type="dd MMMM, yyyy" meaning="malayalam_date"> 1 Madam, 1181 </pos_cat>
+ <!-- 1st Madam (that is, the 1st month in the Malayalam Calendar, current year is 1811) -->
@@ -464, +469 @@

  <!-- 15 minutes to 9 (in Bangla, Hindi etc) --> 
+ <pos_cat name="time" type="hh pou" meaning="15 to hh"> 9 pou </pos_cat>
+ <!-- 15 minutes to 9 (in Telegu language) --> 
  <pos_cat name="time" type="soaa hh" meaning="15 past hh"> soaa 9 </pos_cat>
  <!-- 15 minutes past 9 (in Bangla, Hindi etc) -->
+ <pos_cat name="time" type="hh kal" meaning="15 past hh"> 9 kal </pos_cat>
+ <!-- 15 minutes past 9 (in Malayalam) -->
  <pos_cat name="time" type="saare hh" meaning="30 past hh"> saare 9 </pos_cat>
  <!-- 30 minutes past 9 (in Bangla, Hindi etc) --> 
+ <pos_cat name="time" type="hh aara" meaning="30 past hh"> 9 aara </pos_cat>
+ <!-- 30 minutes past 9 (in Telugu Language) --> 
+ <pos_cat name="time" type="hh ara" meaning="30 past hh"> 9 ara </pos_cat>
+ <!-- 30 minutes past 9 (in Malayalam Language) --> 
  <pos_cat name="time" type="der" meaning="30 past 1"> der baje </pos_cat>

Received on Monday, 31 October 2005 06:11:28 UTC