[ESW Wiki] Update of "its0509SpecScoping" by ChristianLieske

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The following page has been changed by ChristianLieske:

  This information/discussion is similar to that about "xml:lang". 
- === Levels ===
+ === Levels/Locations ===
  Four main locations where ITS information could specified can be envisioned:
@@ -42, +42 @@

   * At the element level in a document instance. (e.g. to overwrite the ITS info for that element; cf. the 'style' attribute in XHTML).
- === Discussion (Example related to (Indicator of Translatibility)) ===
+ === Discussion (Example related to "Indicator of Translatibility") ===
  To specify that something needs to be translated we currently defined the following:
@@ -183, +183 @@

  '''[[YS-''' It seems maybe too generalized. ruby and translatibility are very different things. Using XPath to point to elements that are ruby seems rather strange (not to mention very complicated to process): why in the world would someone want to put that info anywhere else than in the actual element? I could see {{{its:ruby="yes"}}}, but using XPath would make things a bit confusing (you could point to an attribute for example, but an attribute could not have rb/rt info), also what about cascading/inheritence effects: they would be different for ruby abd translateYes?''']]'''
+ '''[[CL-''' I might take a shot at two of the questions ...
+  * Q: Why put ruby not in the actual element?
+    A: Because the element does not allow this (cf. 'limited impact')
+  * Q: What about cascading/inheritence effects? 
+    A: We have not talked about this in detail. From my understanding, however, we may have to specify inheritance
+       for every entity of the ITS.
+       Example:
+       A. For the 'Indicator of Translatability' we may say:
+       * Values are inherited unless overwritten
+       * Overwriting (by means of 'its:translateNo' or 'its:translateYes') only pertains to the entity addressed in the XPath expression
+       B. For 'Ruby' we may say: ...''']]'''

Received on Friday, 7 October 2005 12:40:54 UTC