[ESW Wiki] Update of "its0509SpecScoping" by YvesSavourel

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The following page has been changed by YvesSavourel:

  <para id="a1">
  Do not translate this, <span productCode="River"> it's not worth it</span></para>}}}
+ '''[[YS-START[''' I certainly agree with the usefulness of XPath, but I'm less sure about using it directly as value of an ITS 'feature'. If we look at more than translatability, it would maybe make more sense to generalize the concept. for example the code below, with imaginary ITS information...
+ {{{<its:rules>
+   <its:rule scope="\\para" translate="no"/>
+   <its:rule scope="@productCode" translate="yes" term="yes" maxlength="30"/>
+ </its:rules>}}}
+ ...seems more intuitive and easier to use than something like this:
+ {{{<its:rules>
+   <its:rule translateNo="\\para"/>
+   <its:rule translateYes="@productCode"/>
+   <its:rule term="@productCode"/>
+   <its:rule maxlength="@productCode"/>
+ </its:rules>}}}
+ In addition, this could help in carrying any extensions mechanism as well:
+ {{{<its:rules>
+   <its:rule scope="\\para" translate="no"/>
+   <its:rule scope="@productCode" translate="yes" term="yes" maxlength="30"
+                                  myext:allow-machine-trans="no"/>
+ </its:rules>}}}
+ This would leave just the problem of overwriting the information for attribute at the element level. ''']YS=END]]''

Received on Thursday, 6 October 2005 09:20:14 UTC