[ESW Wiki] Update of "its0504ReqCulturalAspects" by GoutamSaha

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The following page has been changed by GoutamSaha:

  '''Hindi, Oriya, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu (Most of the Indian Languages):''' Some religious text, such as Sanskrit Chants, may need to be treated separately from other content.
+ [[GS- The character that pronunciates as chandrabindu (Unicode – 09FA) if is used before the name
+ of God or Goddess in Indian languages like Bangla, Hindi and Oriya etc, it means something of divine nature or happiness or sacred one.  
+ Again, if this chandrabindu character is used before a name of a person, it indicates that the person is no more under the sun (or not alive)]].
  Content styles and tones in a target language vary mostly depending on target audience (general users, academic experts, etc) and content’s domain (IT, legal, medical, etc). While a source language does not get affected by such aspects, target content may need to use a specific content style. 

Received on Tuesday, 27 September 2005 11:32:19 UTC