[ESW Wiki] Update of "its0504ReqPurposeSpecMap" by

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The comment on the change is:
I gave up on getting the first list item right

  = ITS WG Collaborative editing page =
  Follow the [http://esw.w3.org/topic/itsHowTo conventions] for editing this page.
@@ -10, +9 @@

  Author: Christian Lieske
- = Span-like Element =
+ = Challenge/Issue =
+ From a localization point of view, many XML vocabularies include markup
+ which requires special attention, since the markup is associated with a
+ specific type of content. Examples:
+  a. elements which are associated with embedded/binary graphics
+  b. elements which are associated with specific text styles (e.g. underline and bold)
+  c. elements which are associated with linking (e.g. the "a" in HTML)
+  d. elements which are associated with lists
+  e. elements which are associated with tables
+  f. elements which are associated with with generated content (e.g. an element that fires a query to a database in order to pull in the data for a product catalogue)
+ Some reasons why this type of markup may require special attention:
+  a. the localization tool may be able to render specific text styles in a standard way (e.g. increased font weight for bold)
+  b. embedded binary images may have to follow a specific workflow
+  c. content generation queries may have to be adapted
+ Since it is hardly imaginable that all content developers will be able
+ to work with the same elements and attributes for this specific type of
+ content, the ITS should include markup which allows people to specify
+ the purpose of specific elements. 
+ = Notes =
+ For the specific case of linking something to look at already exists:
+ HLink (cf. ["http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-hlink-20020913/"])
+ = Quick Guideline Thoughts =
+ The purpose specification could look like the following example:
+ <its:purposeSpec>
+  <servesPurpose origVoc="img" its="graphic"/>
+  <servesPurpose origVoc="em" its="inline"/>
+  <servesPurpose origVoc="b" its="inline"/>
+ </its:purposeSpec>
+ Here, we specify that the original vocabulary (e.g. HTML) maps to ITS.
+ The "img" in HTML e.g. maps to "graphic" in ITS.

Received on Tuesday, 12 April 2005 14:18:01 UTC