RE: XLIFF Mapping - status

How would the IRIs be concatenated? A pipe? Does it need an escaping

dF is AFK, sent from a mobile phone..
On 19 Sep 2013 18:55, "Yves Savourel" <> wrote:

> > The document mentions both itsxlf:externalResourceRef and
> itsx:externalResourceRef.
> > Do the itsx ones need to be fixed?
> Yes, good catch Nathan.
> Done.
> BTW this bring up an unresolved issue: we had some discussion about
> externalResourceRef and the case of having several resources on
> the same element.
> See:
> Felix pointed to that case we have here:
> where <video> has two external references.
> I was proposing to use a list of IRI (so maybe itsxlf:externalResourceRefs
> vs itsxlf:externalResourceRef)
> Thoughts anyone?
> -yves
> On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 4:51 AM, Yves Savourel <>
> wrote:
> > First, the value of "x-its-translate-yes" is mentioned
> > for the attribute 'mtype' in a <mrk> element.
> > This value is, however, not mentioned anywhere in the
> > actual XLIFF 1.2 spec. Is this something planned for 1.3?
> > Is it something that will be added via the itsxlf namespace?
> > This is more curiosity than practicality.
> As David noted, this uses the 1.2 naming convention for user-defined
> values.
> > Second, localization notes are supported via the <note> element,
> > but the document only mentions the use of general <note>'s.
> > The default value for a <note> element's 'annotates' attribute
> > is "general". The other possible values are "target" and "source",
> > indicating that the note applies either to the <source> or the
> > <target> element contents. Is this to be supported, as well?
> > By which, of course, I mean, is it recommended that implementers
> > support this or is it to be ignored?
> Good point. There is no reason to avoid using 'annotates'. We should add
> examples.
> Cheers,
> -yves

Received on Thursday, 19 September 2013 20:52:58 UTC