RE: Terminology annotation in XLIFF

Hi Felix,

Thank you for the questions.

The annotatorsRef attribute is already there – you can find it in the <xliff> element.
<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" xmlns:okp="okapi-framework:xliff-extensions" xmlns:its="" xmlns:itsx="" its:version="2.0" its:annotatorsRef="terminology|">

The namespace change is not yet available through the as we have not published the changes after the XLIFF mapping got „stable” (before it started shaking again during this week).

We plan to publish the new version tomorrow or on Monday and there all the changes (XLIFF mapping, bug fixes, conformance to TBX – although we did not receive any comments from Alan and Arle on the answers to their questions) will be implemented. Of course, if the XLIFF mapping will be revised, we will be out-of-sync ... but as Tatiana said, minor adjustments that do not require re-development, we will be able to tweak also after May.

Best regards,
Mārcis ;o)

From: Felix Sasaki []
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2013 3:44 PM
To:; Mārcis Pinnis
Subject: Terminology annotation in XLIFF

Hi Marcis,

from the Tilde ITS 2.0 annotation showcase I have generated the attached XLIFF document. It contains "Terminology" annotations. A few remarks.

1) The XLIFF mapping

says that there needs to be an "annotatorsRef" attribute if termConfidence is used, but I don't see it in the XLIFF file.

2) The XLIFF mapping uses an extension namespace, e.g.
<mrk mtype="term" itsx:termInfoRef="#ge4" itsx:termConfidence="0.5">
but the Tilde implementation generates "mrk" elements with the ITS namespace, e.g.
<mrk its:termInfoRef="#tilde-tbx-taas-9-etb-9">
<mrk mtype="term" its:termConfidence="0.21">

Maybe there is a reason for that, but I may have missed it.

Thanks a lot in advance,


Received on Thursday, 16 May 2013 15:22:33 UTC