ITS Processor

Hi all,

Following up on a long-standing action item about continuing the implementation of an ITS processor example: The zip file attached
contains the latest source/build of the Java implementation with some example files.

- The src directory contains the source of the library and a test class.
- _buid.bat is the Windows/DOS batch file to build the test program
- build.xml is the Ant build file.
- input.xml is the default input document (an ODF content file)
- rules.xml is the default rules document corresponding to input.xml
- ITSTest.jar is the pre-compiled program.

The test program simply re-writes the input document after adding " + TRANSLATION" to all translatable nodes that have already some
text, and to the translatable attribute values.

When you build: A tmp directory is created to store the compiled class files, and a A ITSTest.jar is created.

The command line is:

java -jar ITSTest.jar [[[input.xml] output.xml] rules.xml]

You can also run without parameters and the program will automatically assume input.xml, output.xml the filenames, and null for the
rules document (You can specify no rules document, the program will then use only the ITS markup specified in the input document.)

Note that most platforms will allow you to just double-click on ITSTest.jar to run the program without parameters.

So try:

java -jar ITSTest.jar input.xml out_withoutRules.xml


Java -jar ITSTest.jar inputlxml out_withRules.xml rules.xml

To see how the rules specified in rules.xml affect the results.

I'm still not quite happy about how we can access the ITS info. I suppose it would be nice to have other methods to just query
directly each node randomly, but them we would have to decorate every single node for this. I wonder if it's useful.



Received on Tuesday, 16 December 2008 22:56:41 UTC