[minutes] Hebrew layout telecon 2017-08-01


text version follows:

Hebrew Layout Task Force Teleconference
01 Aug 2017

See also: IRC log

    Lina, r12a, Doron


        Ongoing discussion on text layout and typography aspects
    Summary of Action Items
    Summary of Resolutions

relevancy and scope for Hebrew http://w3c.github.io/typography/

Arabic Text Layout and Typography requirements: 

<r12a> Lina, meeting ?

<r12a> trackbot, start meeting

<trackbot> Meeting: Hebrew Layout Task Force Teleconference

<trackbot> Date: 01 August 2017


I started the meeting already I think

<r12a> ah, ok

<doron> Hi Lina - you're not on the audio call (webex) yet?

had no luck, Will try to join again

Richard: to reset adenda items numbering, type 'zakim, bye'

Action+ Amir to accept github invite

<r12a> ACTION: Amir to accept github invite [recorded in 

<trackbot> Created ACTION-4 - Accept github invite [on Amir Aharoni - due 

Richard: makes sense to resend the agenda / reminder on the day of the 
Ongoing discussion on text layout and typography aspects


Quotation marks : „מירכאות נמוכות בהתחלה ‚נמוכות בודדות באמצע’ גבוהות 
כפולות בסוף” 

<< >>

Richard: intercharacter spacing:
... Arabic tend to stretch character glyph

Doron: in Biblical / religious texts it's also used but quite rare
... it's used to be common in very old text but at present is not used

<r12a> https://github.com/w3c/type-samples/issues/19

Doron: interchartacter spacing may be used for emphasis even in modern 
... but not common

Richard: CSS means to achieve certain stretches

<r12a> https://github.com/w3c/type-samples/issues/25

Doron: this is actually not printing but handwriting

Richard: even for Qur'anic texts is it there other means to accomplish 

Diacritics: coverage

Hebrew diacritic types: (1) niqud

(2) geresh and gershayim - in the scope

(3) cantillation, which used in Biblical texts - probably yes (Doron)

Doron: cantillation is used nowadays so it makes sense to cover it

Richard: We want to describe the script anyway, so cover cantillation 
marks. Even if CSS does not have means to regulate, we may want to suggest 
something new to CSS
... italization what is most important which way does the text leans

Doron: italization is not inherent, was adopted

Richard: if someone creates eBook, they should know what not to do

Italization to be discussed

(discussion to be continued)

Cursive text: Lina will send some samples

Richard: line breaking, how justification work for Hebrew, hyphenation
... - this are particularly important topics

hyphenation rules in Hebrew: Doron have seen some rules

Richard: First letter styling: align with the top of the first line or 
bottom or other positions
... important first letter sizing - e.g. in exact number of lines
... punctuation before the first letter - should it also be big or nor

Next meeting - in 2 weeks

<r12a> https://github.com/w3c/hlreq/issues

<r12a> https://github.com/w3c/hlreq/projects

<r12a> https://github.com/w3c/alreq/projects/1

Summary of Action Items
[NEW] ACTION: Amir to accept github invite [recorded in 
Summary of Resolutions
[End of minutes]

Best regards,

Received on Wednesday, 2 August 2017 14:25:39 UTC