[ESW Wiki] Update of "geoEncoding" by RichardIshida

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The following page has been changed by RichardIshida:

  I fear the current text is too abstract and not simple enough.  ]]
- = What is Encoding? =
+ = What is Encoding? =  
+ '''[[RI''' This heading should be either 'answer' or 'background' for an FAQ. Take note that that will limit the level of nesting you go to.]]
- Most people have received an email or other document from a foreign source, that displays as apparently random characters. This is often because the receiving program is not configured to support the same encoding of the original document.
+ Most people have received an email or other document from a foreign source, that displays as apparently random characters. This is often because the receiving program is not configured to support the same encoding '''[[RI''' same what? You haven't defined or described 'encoding' yet. (Nor do you later ;-) ]] of the original document.
  Many web sites, emails programs use a range of character encodings which they cannot guarantee will be readable by other people, or on differently configured computers. 
  == Historical Background ==
+ '''[[RI''' Yawn. ;-) ]]
  Early developments in computing were generally in English speaking countries, so the choice of characters to represent was dictated by the characters used in English.
  One of the predominant encodings was ASCII {should be refernced}
@@ -58, +62 @@

  == How do I deal with Encoding? ==
- [[http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-setting-encoding-in-applications|Setting Encoding In Applications]]
+ [[http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-setting-encoding-in-applications Setting Encoding In Applications]]

Received on Wednesday, 19 October 2005 16:45:23 UTC