[ESW Wiki] Update of "geo0503LinkElement" by

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  [RI 30mar] I agree with Deborah.  Maybe we should have three subsections in the answer: one to show how the link element is used (perhaps using screen grabs from the test results page); the other describing how you make that happen; the third briefly describing which UAs support it (but referring to the test results for the full story).
+ [[DRC 11May]] Would it be better if the example used "content negotiation" type naming for the pages. e.g. ".../declaration.fr.html" and ".../declaration.ja.html" ?
  == By the way ==
  '''Both Mozilla and Mozilla Firefox expose the link information in View > Page Info > Links dialog box. Additionally, Mozilla has a navigation toolbar which will also allow the user to navigate a site using link elements in a web page. <a href="http://extensionroom.mozdev.org/more-info/linktoolbar">Link toolbar</a> is a Mozilla Firefox extension that provides similar functionality to Mozilla's navigation toolbar.'''

Received on Wednesday, 11 May 2005 08:15:46 UTC