[ESW Wiki] Update of "geoUnicodeConsiderationsWhenUpgrading" by RichardIshida

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The following page has been changed by RichardIshida:

- = Experimental Wiki page for handling FAQ comments =
- The whole text of the FAQ is here, paragraph by paragraph, with relevant comments sandwiched between. Each point made begins with the initials of the author and date (see below), and continues until the next author's initials or the next quote from the FAQ. Multiple points by the same author on the same piece of text are preceded by multiple initials and separated by "===". Related comments, and replies are grouped together were possible.
- The text of the actual article is in bold.
- The original bulk of text contains no dates. If adding comments from now on, please use a new paragraph and start the first paragraph in your comment with your initials, followed by the date in square brackets, following the form [RI 2feb].
- These changes should be sent to the GEO public list - providing us with a  consistent notification method and an archive of changes.
- ---
  = FAQ: Upgrading from language-specific legacy encoding to Unicode encoding =
  == Question: What should I consider when upgrading my web pages from legacy encoding to Unicode encoding? ==
@@ -38, +26 @@

  UTF-8 is the Unicode encoding consistently used for web pages:
     * Better compatibility with legacy data, where that legacy data uses ASCII as the 128 codepoints in ASCII match the first 128 codepoints in UTF-8.
-    * No byte order problems as UTF-8 is 8-bit.
+    * No byte order problems as UTF-8 is 8-bit.'''[[RI''' I'd leave out the ' as UTF-8 is 8-bit']]
  === How well is Unicode supported for my end users? ===
@@ -51, +39 @@

  Modern browsers support Unicode:
-    * Internet Explorer 6 (Windows)
+    * Internet Explorer 6 (Windows) [[RI I think earlier versions of IE also supported Unicode, right?]]
     * Firefox 1.0 
     * Mozilla 1.4
     * Opera 7.0
@@ -72, +60 @@

     * BSD
     * Mac OS X
- Standard installation of an operating system includes suitable fonts for the language selected by the user. Fonts not included in a standard installation can usually be added via menu options; they can also be downloaded. Some languages currently require a font download; these languages include Pashto, Hindi, Urdu, Bengali.
+ Standard installation of an operating system includes suitable fonts for the language selected by the user. Fonts not included in a standard installation can usually be added via menu options; they can also be downloaded. Some languages currently require a font download; these languages include Pashto, Hindi, Urdu, Bengali. [[RI I'm not clear about this. On what platform - all? ]]
  Commonly available Unicode fonts (commercial and open source) are [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truetype TrueType] and the more recent [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opentype OpenType].
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  ==== Rendering software ====
- Multilingual text rendering engines are built into operating system and browser installation.
+ Multilingual text rendering engines are built into operating system and browser installation. [[RI we should explain that this is typically needed for 'complex scripts' such as ...]]
     * Windows: Uniscribe
     * Macintosh: Apple Type Services for Unicode Imaging, which replaced the WorldScript engine for legacy encodings.
@@ -113, +101 @@

  You should ensure that you change the [http://www.w3.org/International/tutorials/tutorial-char-enc Tutorial: character encoding declaration] from legacy to Unicode. 
-    * HTTP header content-type, eg, Content-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8
+    * HTTP header content-type, eg, Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
-    * HTML head, eg, <meta http-equiv"Content-Type" content"text/html; charsetutf-8"/>
+    * HTML head, eg, <meta http-equiv"Content-Type" content"text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
  === Further reading ===

Received on Wednesday, 8 June 2005 17:29:09 UTC