Re: Index improvements


Richard Ishida wrote:
> > It is too wordy for me. The repetitiveness and wordiness
> > makes it difficult 
> I thought about this too.  I'm expecting most people most of the time to
> search the page for items of interest, rather than read. 


> The questions
> serve to help the user see what's at the other end of the link without
> having to go there and return.  Might be good to have short subheadings
> though every so often.

Or perhaps short headings and the questions as smaller text underneath.

> > I would use an icon for tutorial, article, FAQ, so they do
> > not need to be read over and over. I am not convinced they
> > should be intermixed or that all 3 are appropriate to answer
> > some of these questions.
> This is an index to locate information on the site, so I disagree and
> believe that it must point to multiple locations where appropriate.

I agree it should cover all locations. When I am looking for info I have a
pretty good idea whether I want to read an in depth tutorial or get a quick
faq. I would therefore be glad to go to a place on the page that listed one or
the other rather than mixing both.
> >(Tutorial is too broad as a response
> > to specific questions, faqs are too narrow for general questions.
> If you follow the links to the tutorials, you'll see that I link *into* the
> tutorial at the most appropriate place when this is a fairly specific
> question.

I checked 2 links before I wrote the mail and one did and one didnt.
So I wasn't sure how specific we were getting, but I imagine we can always
improve that.


Received on Friday, 26 March 2004 11:45:59 UTC