MINUTES: I18n GEO teleconference 030709


W3C I18n GEO Phone Conference
9 July 2003

Present: Richard (chair, scribe), Lloyd, Phil, Tex, Russ, Martin, Andrew

Regrets/Absent: Steve, Suzanne, Peter, Barry, Leslie, John

New Actions

ACTION RI, send out note requesting article for LRC's Localisation Focus
magasine for people to consider contributing

ACTION: Tex, to ping a couple of external list moderators to see if we
should announce there too.

ACTION: RI, ask Suzanne whether we can announce on her list.

Prior Action Items

ACTION: AC, write up some text about byte order marks that could be used
to develop section 2.2

ACTION: Lloyd, write up some code samples relating to date formats and
link to them from the Q&A page at a later date

ACTION: RI, look into a sponsor for ftf in Atlanta

All: send in pointers to existing guidelines 


Next FTF - Atlanta, Georgia, USA.  6th September 2003.  One day.
Meeting location: suggestions welcome !

Info share
Martin found it very helpful to use the Q&A on Multilingual Forms (and
its code snippet) to explain something to a colleague.


Richard spent all day today merging GEO and WAI DTDs.  There is now only
one DTD.  WAI are also beginning to look at developing different
document views, building off the views that GEO has.  WAI had already
done some work on the DTD to build in the latest version of XMLSpec, so
we are already beginning to share development work in both directions.

DTD documentation has been updated.  It is linked from the lower right
part of the http://www.w3.org/International/geo page.


Topic: Article for LRC's Localisation Focus magasine 
ACTION RI, send out note requesting article for LRC's Localisation Focus
magasine for people to consider contributing
We discussed an idea that presents each of the members of the WG with a
couple of paras about what we're interested in and what our motivations
are, with a sidebar for info about the achievements of the group

Topic: How to more widely publicise our Q&A work?
AGREED: We will send an announcement to www-international each time we
publish a new Q&A
AGREED: We will set up an index page for Q&A's that solicits questions
from readers, but makes no promises that we will develop answers.  On
the other hand, questions will be transferred to our question notepad
http://www.w3.org/International/geo/upload/2003/questions/ - this should
help us get some ideas about what people want to know.  The index page
should also invite people to participate in GEO and point to joining
AGREED: We won't develop the Q&As on the www-international list.  It's
more manageable to deal with a small group for this.  If we get a lot of
feedback after publication we can revisit this.

ACTION: Tex, to ping a couple of external list moderators to see if we
should announce there too.
ACTION: RI, ask Suzanne whether we can announce on her list.

Q&A Review

Phil's Q&A
Agreed to publish this evening.

Richard's build on Phil's Q&A

See point [6] at
Group thought this was a good candidate for a new Q&A
Need to find a short title question
Need to also break it up a little visually so it's not so intimidating,
but the text is quite polished (some felt it would be ok as is)
Some discussion about making this part of a separate thematic article,
but decided to stick with Q&A for now - could use for other stuff too,
Add concerns related to user to last para

Richard's new css vs markup for bidi Q&A
Agreed that this would be good to publish next week, since we don't have
anything from Lloyd yet.
Small edits suggested.

Upcoming assignments
		Send to group (latest)		Agree to publish
Martin: 		DONE				 25 June
Richard:	DONE				2 July
Tex/Phil:	DONE				9 July
Richard:	DONE				16 July [css vs markup
for bidi]
Lloyd:		11 Jul				23 July [see his 5
Tex		21 Jul				31 July [what is bidi
and which langs]
Andrew		28 Jul				6 August
Martin		4 aug				13 aug
Richard		11 aug				20 aug [international vs
multilingual sites]
Tbd		18 aug
Tbd		25 aug
Tbd		1 sept
Russ		8  sept				17 sept

We are likely to receive something from John Yunker
We are likely to receive something from Yves Savourel

Next meeting:
Same time, same bridge, next week.

Richard Ishida

tel: +44 1753 480 292

Received on Thursday, 10 July 2003 05:58:18 UTC