Re: HTML AutoLayout

Martin Duerst wrote:
> >3) I agree with not using absolutes. But I notice the new
> >recommendations (not these that Russ offered, but others) for table-less
> >web pages and using DIVs instead, seem to make heavy use of specific
> >pixel values or sizes to accomplish their goals.
> I'm not sure this is true. The W3C home page uses some 1px values
> for margins, but otherwise only % and em as units.

I am referring to what others are saying about using DIV as a solution.
I think some of the links I posted discuss using exact pixel counts.
> >I find it very
> >anti-i18n and anti-accessibility.
> Anti-i18n yes. But I don't understand anti-accessability.

If exact pixels are used then you can't easily resize for people that
need larger text to see.


Received on Thursday, 23 January 2003 20:03:59 UTC