MINUTES: I18n GEO teleconference 030319


W3C I18n GEO Phone Conference
19 March 2003

Present: Richard (chair, scribe), Lloyd, Andrew, Phil
Regrets: Steve, Russ, Suzanne, Martin

New Actions

ACTION: RI, apply agreed changes to FTF minutes and publish.

ACTION: AC to create a list of possibilities for 'non-displayable'

ACTION: Lloyd,send a list of deprecated tags in HTML by next meeting 

Prior Action Items

ACTION: TT, RI need to recontact Bill Hall 
DONE.  Will talk at Unicode Conference.

ACTION: RI to send invitation to Gerald Edgar, who observed during the
Tech Plen 

ACTION: RI to follow up tommorrow with Barry Caplan.

ACTION: Russ, follow-up wrt possible new member from Trados

ACTION: RI to propose some new teleconf times to cope with daylight
savings at next week's meeting.
DONE during meeting for two weeks ahead and ongoing.

ACTION: RI to ping Suzanne again.

ACTION: RI, set up an area on the W3C site for people to post proposals,
and give people access. 

Action: Richard, look at ways of making the document print with a
smaller font, while avoiding any WAI issues.

All: send in pointers to existing guidelines 

Suzanne: put together a list of short term vs. long term goals related
to education and outreach - send it to us for discussion 


New participants
Phil Arko introduced himself.

Barry Caplan of i8n.com has also joined the WG.

Meetings & Events
New telecon times (due to changes in daylight savings) from 8 april
	Friday, April 18, 2003, at 7:00 PM 

	Fri 12:00 PM * 

	Fri 3:00 PM * 

	Fri 8:00 PM * 

	Europe 9pm

	Sat 5:00 AM 

No telecon next week due to Unicode Conference.

Richard will make a pesentation at the regular W3C Offices team meeting
on Friday.  The aim is to inform the office staff around the world of
what we are doing and solicit their help and support.

Changes to FTF minutes proposed by Richard were accepted.
ACTION: RI, apply agreed changes to FTF minutes and publish.

Review of work progress
All planned conversions to invited expert have been done.  Invited
experts can now upload information to the upload location at
http://www.w3.org/International/geo/upload/  Information was sent out
from webreq@w3.org about tools that can be used for this.

Ask Richard or webreq@w3.org if you have any questions/problems.

We have to decided to use the term 'directives' for the pithy directive
statements in a technique, formerly called 'rules'.

Content development
Brainstorming session held:

Section 3.1
	Agreed that we should recommend the use of CSS rather than the
Font tag
	Lloyd has been making a list of deprecated tags in HTML - we may
want to add this list as an appendix or to the hints & tips
	ACTION: Lloyd,send a list of deprecated tags in HTML by next
meeting & we can decide what to do with

Section 3.2
	AC:  the meaning of 'undisplayable characters' is not clear  -
need to change the title !
	non-graphic? Control chars? Font absence? Lacking rendering in
browsers/OS,  eg Khmer, Lao?  Characters missing from Unicode? 
	ACTION: AC to create a list of possibilities for
'non-displayable' characters

	another question is how to ensure that authors ensure that pages
are read
	<<authors should provide links to information to help the user
when there are known issues relating to the display of a particular
script or language>> 
	[could include where to download fonts from]
	<<provide the information in a way it will work, ie. 
		<< use a system that maximises likelihood of correct
display >>
		<< tell people how to find fonts for ordinary languages
- especially for minorities >>
	need a sectoin suggesting that authors ensure that these things

	do we need a chapter 20? How to perform validation & proofing of
sites - check that sites display correctly
		or section by section, we could ask how do you validate
that you made the right choices - eg. escaping too many chars, do the
fonts work?
		LH sounds a bit like WAI conformance tests

Next meeting:
Same time, same bridge, in two weeks.

Richard Ishida

tel: +44 1753 480 292

Received on Tuesday, 1 April 2003 07:11:51 UTC