An Observation on Punctuation Symmetry

Greetings All,

Addressed in the Ethiopic Layout Requirements (
is the equivalency of the two comma symbols "፥" and "፣" where some evidence
points to "፣" as a default form by virtue of greater observed frequency.
Though this may be a subject of debate by stakeholders.

It occurred to me recently that of the Ethiopic punctuation in Unicode (፡ ፦
፥ ፣ ፤ ፧ ። ፨ ፠) they all feature symmetry about the horizontal axis (top
half mirrors bottom half).  True for all save for "፣" -which is curious
since it has a fully symmetrical alternative form in "፥".

An argument could made that "፥" is the better default comma glyph since it
exhibits the inherent horizontal symmetry characteristic found in all other
punctuation.  I'm just offering this as food for thought. I would be
interested if anyone has grown up with the view (consciously or
unconsciously) that punctuation is innately symmetrical.



Received on Monday, 27 February 2017 20:41:20 UTC