Localized Pilcrow and Interpunct

Greetings All,

Just a thought here that I'm sending out for opinions.  Microsoft Word, and
I believe other tools, use special symbols to visualize non-printed symbols
like tabs, space, carriage returns, etc.  Visualizing these symbols help
with the proofing and correction of layout, thus their relevance here.

The visualization symbols are not often experienced and so their purpose
may not intuitive to a new user.  If people here think that localizing the
symbols to an Ethiopic form would help with the overall goal of layout
correction, we could suggest such as a recommendation.

To visualize a space symbol, Interpunct (U+00B7,  · also called "middle
dot" and other names) is used and may have a gray shade.  Pilcrow
(U+00B6, ¶), is likewise used to visualize a paragraph marker.  In an
Ethiopic document, it may be more natural to use  Ethiopic Wordspace as the
Interpunct glyph, and a Mekfel for the Pilcrow glyph.

The Mekfel symbol (sample in link below), as I understand it, is equivalent
to a Hareg mark that divides a line into paragraphs. It not encoded in
Unicode but a smart font may offer alternate forms of a glyph that are used
in a context (such as language). Thus the Mekfel and Wordspace glyphs could
be encoded in a font as alternate forms of the Pilcrow and Interpunct
respectively.  Opinions?




Received on Monday, 27 February 2017 19:41:10 UTC