Color Style Logic in Digital Documents

A small annoyance of mine is having to change MS Word's default header
colors from blue to black.  I read somewhere that Microsoft determined that
most of the documents produced with Word would be digital and that blue
looked better on a screen.  I do like blue in the headers of W3C standards
in HTML, but have never liked it in documents.  That's just my subjective

Richard do you know the rationale behind the text color choices in W3C

Presumably, blue headers would be universally desirable in all scripts and
languages for digital documents.  Is blue acceptable for Ethiopic?

It occurs to me that it may be advantageous to apply a style sheet that set
the color of hulet neteb to an off-black hue, perhaps a dark gray.  Which
possibly would help it in its job as a word separator by being even more
visually distinct while not distracting.  Is there a shade that would help
increase line parsing and thus reading speed?


Received on Tuesday, 3 May 2016 03:16:32 UTC