from April to June 2021 by subject

Daily github digest (WG INTERNAL review issues)

I18N-ACTION-1013: Comment on geolocation 50 about on going discussion of i18n on this topic

I18N-ACTION-1014: Reopen csswg 5570 against cascade-4/5

I18N-ACTION-1015: Harvest useful text from geolocation 50 for specdev

I18N-ACTION-1016: Fix stylesheets using logical properties etc.

I18N-ACTION-1017: Send wpwg list of specs that implement lang/dir

I18N-ACTION-1018: Establish rotating scribe list and add it to the agenda

I18N-ACTION-1019: Fix terminology on natural language in spec dev

I18N-ACTION-1020: Examine charmod related to natural language & do edits

I18N-ACTION-1021: Ensupre that specdev itself is consistent with regards to natural language

I18N-ACTION-1022: Look at string meta

I18N-ACTION-1023: Ping fantasai about shadow dom

I18N-ACTION-1024: Review floating times article for final publication

I18N-ACTION-1025: Look at the typography index and determine a way to point to other (outside) documents

I18N-ACTION-1026: Revise charmod-norm to move optional step from 1 to 3

I18N-ACTION-1027: File issue on css multi-col to clarify columns in vertical

I18N-ACTION-1028: Update personalization-semantics issue with clarifying statements and questions

I18N-ACTION-1029: Review payment-request issues and mark for close as needed

I18N-ACTION-1030: Ensure that a summary of the ruby issue in english is forwarded to the working group

I18N-ACTION-1031: Document the state of payment-request

I18N-ACTION-1032: Propose text for html 4814 (datalist find/string search)

I18N-ACTION-1033: Create skeleton of "best practices for manifests"

I18N-ACTION-1034: Triage awaiting comment resolution items

I18N-ACTION-1035: Update string-meta to use new mustard format from specdev

I18N-ACTION-1036: Propose a definition of "metadata" for the string-meta bidi definitions

I18N-ACTION-1037: Provide a definition of 'metadata' for the i18n glossary

I18N-ACTION-1038: Create repo for developing-localizable-manifests

I18N-ACTION-1039: Propose pr for

I18N-ACTION-1040: Add a side note about dir to

I18N-ACTION-1041: De-emphasise xhtml in

Weekly github digest (I18n repos)

Weekly github digest (Review comments)

Weekly github digest (Tracker items)

Last message date: Wednesday, 30 June 2021 17:04:24 UTC