I18N-ISSUE-375 (BUG26256): API: TextEncoder encode()'s 'stream' option appears useless [encoding]

I18N-ISSUE-375 (BUG26256): API: TextEncoder encode()'s 'stream' option appears useless [encoding]


Raised by: Addison Phillips
On product: encoding


This issue tracks the bug listed above and was created as part of the WG LC process. The bug was created prior to the WG LC.


Given that:

(a) the input to encode() is defined as a ScalarValueString (i.e. no incomplete surrogate pairs), and 

(b) encode() only supports UTF-8/UTF-16, which do not maintain any encoder state across input tokens

...then it does not appear that the 'stream' option has any meaningful behavior for encode().

Am I missing something?

Received on Thursday, 10 July 2014 04:10:40 UTC