I18N-ISSUE-136: Recognition of number formats in Number state [HTML5-prep]

I18N-ISSUE-136: Recognition of number formats in Number state [HTML5-prep]


Raised by: Richard Ishida
On product: HTML5-prep Number state

"The algorithm to convert a string to a number, given a string input, is as follows: If applying the rules for parsing floating point number values to input results in an error, then return an error; otherwise, return the resulting number."

Does this refer to conversion of the text the user inputs into the field, ie. if the user types in 


will the rules for parsing floating point number values be applied to that to determine whether or not that is a valid number?

Or does this apply only to interpretation of the attribute value or the value passed to the value by the browser after interpretation of the user input?  I assumed that this is the case, but it isn't clear.

I think a note would be useful, both here and for other states where formats vary around the world, to clarify this and btw to remind browser developers that the normal way of representing numbers differs around the world and they will should expect to have to convert the user input to the expected internal representation (but not change the user's input itself).

Received on Wednesday, 27 July 2011 11:30:49 UTC