FW: HTML Working Group Status (IMPORTANT: Oct 1 cutoff date for bugs)


Addison Phillips
Globalization Architect (Lab126)
Chair (W3C I18N, IETF IRI WGs)

Internationalization is not a feature.
It is an architecture.

-----Original Message-----
From: w3c-html-cg-request@w3.org [mailto:w3c-html-cg-request@w3.org] On Behalf Of Philippe Le Hegaret
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010 6:50 AM
To: w3c-html-cg
Subject: HTML Working Group Status (IMPORTANT: Oct 1 cutoff date for bugs)

We now have a timeline to Last Call:


 Oct 1, 2010 is the cutoff date for bugs to be considered as pre-LC feedback.
 Note: The Chairs are still working with the editor to find ways to ensure tighter
 change control for the draft after the cutoff date.

 The expectation is to drive the Working Group based on the schedule.

The previous update can be found at: 

Since then:
 * 229 unresolved bugs (-72 in last two weeks)
 * 23 open issues (no change)

Ongoing surveys: none

Call for Proposals: 
ISSUE-117 deprecate-noscript

Pending decisions:
  ISSUE-4, ISSUE-84, ISSUE-88, ISSUE-96, ISSUE-97, ISSUE-100, ISSUE-101,
  ISSUE-116 is pending amicable resolution

Next steps are pending on ISUE-105 (canvas-usemap), ISSUE-110
(sandbox-type-owner, media type registry).

The HTML a11y TF presented the requirements to the HTML WG and is now
refining them:

Discussion is still ongoing around ISSUE-27 (rel registry).

Bug 10066 (ISSUE-85 - ARIA mapping) is making progress. See status
report from Maciej for details:

 One bug is being escalated

ISSUE-41: Chairs have asked that 2 out of the 3 proposals be updated

I'm not clear about the progress related to ISSUE-74 (canvas accessibility).

New version of decision policy not released yet.

Testing front: see status report from Kris for details:

Document license (known as ACTION-29) front: The Team issued a survey to
the AC that was subsequently pulled out after feedback from the HTML
Chairs. PSIG is working at revising the proposed license FAQ and the
Team is working on a revision of the survey.

The W3C Team had some discussion related to the HTML a11y TF charter and
whether the terms of the TF need to be changed. No proposal has been put
forward for the moment.


Received on Friday, 10 September 2010 15:26:47 UTC