Re: Unicode Normalization

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On Feb 4, 2009, at 1:07 PM, Robert J Burns <> wrote:

> However Unicode has a SHOULD requirement that two canonically  
> equivalent but codepoint differing strings match. Unicode's Chapter  
> 3 (C6 norm) says:
>> A process shall not assume that the interpretations of two  
>> canonical-equivalent character sequences are distinct.

Your interpretation adds something that your quoted text does not  
include. The quoted text does not include "but code point differing".  
It seems quite clear (at least when read in isolation from the rest of  
the spec) that its simply saying that two canonical-equivalent  
character sequences MAY not be distinct. If they are are not code  
point differing then they wouldn't be distinct. Otherwise they would  

Received on Wednesday, 4 February 2009 21:54:45 UTC