Upcoming resolution of some old Namespaces in XML 1.0 issues

Addison et al.,

The XML Core WG is planning to issue a 3rd Edition
of Namespaces in XML 1.0 (NS1.0), and we are closing 
some old issues.

At [1] (member only) we have an issue sent in by an
earlier instantiation of the I18N group about whether
a namespace name for NS1.0 can be an IRI or must be
a URI.  Currently, the NS1.0 spec says that a namespace 
name is a (absolute) URI reference.

At [2] (member only) we have another issue sent in by an
earlier instantiation of the I18N group which repeats 
the request made in NPE20 that namespace names be IRI
and to clarify whether a percent-encoded version of a
character should match the unencoded version when doing
namespace name comparisons.

The XML Core WG plans to close both these issues with
no change to the spec.  The character by character rule
for comparison was made clear long ago, and we don't
feel we can change that now.  An unescaped IRI and its 
escaped (URI) version are two different namespace names, 
so allowing IRIs as namespace names in NS 1.0 would be
a major change in functionality that we do not feel we
could do.

If these decisions cause you great concern, please let
us know.


Paul Grosso for the XML Core WG

[1] http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/2001/05/proposed-xml-names-errata#NPE20
[2] http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/2001/05/proposed-xml-names-errata#NPE22

Received on Wednesday, 22 April 2009 18:25:23 UTC