[Comment on ITS WD] Use of elements

Comment from the i18n review of:

Comment 11
At http://www.w3.org/International/reviews/0606-its/
Editorial/substantive: S
Owner: RI

Location in reviewed document:

The locInfo element cannot contain directional markup for bidi languages, nor language markup, nor ruby markup, nor spans - all things which this document makes out to be important for well internationalized content.

Can we not come up with a model that allows for at least those things?

Please allow for span elements to at least include other span elements, so that language or directionality values can be applied to ranges of text within a span.

FS: the "model" you describe would be IMO just to allow for its:span within <locInfo>, and to allow nesting of <its:span> within <its:span>.

Received on Tuesday, 11 July 2006 19:20:29 UTC