[UND WCAG2] i18n comment: Repeated Japanese text

Comment from the i18n review of:

Comment 10
At http://www.w3.org/International/reviews/0606-understanding-wcag2/
Editorial/substantive: Owner: 
Location in reviewed document:
3.1.3 Idioms

"Example 3: In Japanese, the phrase "さじを投げる(どうするこ ともでき なくなり、あきらめること" literally translates into "he threw a spoon". But it means that there was nothing he could do and finally he gave up. "

The Japanese original text is confusing, since it contains both "he threw a spoon" *and* the explanation. The latter, that is どうするこ ともでき なくなり、あきらめること , should be deleted.

(If the non-English text in this comment is mangled by the email process, please follow the above link to the original table of comments.)

Received on Tuesday, 27 June 2006 17:39:44 UTC