Re: Simplified or traditional for each Chinese macrolanguage

On Wed, Jul 27, 2016, at 05:08 PM, Koji Ishii wrote:
> What do you think about having this information in CLREQ, or maybe
> in a separate I18N WG note if WG prefers? That should get wider
> reviews then.
> It might also be nice to explicitly mention that authors can/should
> add script subtag to pick the other choice than the default.
The attachment is the list I'm currently going to submit to our code.
Two CLReq editors reviewed this list and think it looks good.
Richard: could you review this list as well, and if everything looks fine, could you probably consider putting it as an I18N WG note? Editors of CLReq don't think this kind of details fit in CLReq.
- Xidorn

Received on Wednesday, 27 July 2016 07:19:19 UTC