Fwd: Re: Bopomofo summary updated

[i messed up the reply addresses, resending, sorry]

On 05/02/2015 10:30, Richard Ishida wrote:
>> Have you tried WebKit's implementation of this recently? I'd love to get
>> feedback on our tone mark positioning.
> Like Xidorn, i was unable to see the any special bopomofo tone mark
> positioning on the latest webkit nightly.  Here's the code I used:
> ruby { ruby-position: inter-character; }
> <ruby>好<rt>ㄏㄠˇ</rt>了<rt>˙ㄌㄜ</rt></ruby>
> <p>ㄏㄠˇ˙ㄌㄜ</p>
> What I see for the ruby is equivalent to ruby-position: over.  For the
> para i just see the tone of the first syllable after the letters.

using -webkit-ruby-position rather than ruby-position seems to help.
See http://www.w3.org/International/tests/test-incubator/bopomofo/

it doesn't seem to position the tone marks though - am i missing

it also produces different results wrt spacing of the characters in the
case of ㄚˋ

and, of course, it doesn't help for positioning the tones in the
non-ruby text.

hope that helps,

Received on Thursday, 5 February 2015 13:12:45 UTC