Re: New public-i18n-cjk mailing list

 > There is already a list where people can converse in Japanese about  
html5, and a proposal for a similar list to support discussions in  

This is from public-html-ig-zh[1] and we are having a proposal for  
HTML Chinese Interest Group, too. In fact, the mailing list is already  
open and we have fruitful discussions around layout issues already.  
That list is by far a pure Chinese one, but please feel free to throw  
us some professional  discussions in English.

I noticed that the following CSS3 modules are related to CJK layouts.
- CSS3 Text
- CSS3 Text Layout
- CSS3 Lists
- CSS3 Ruby

My question is, whenever we have some conclusion about CSS (for  
example, we are looking at the cjk-ideographic numbering algorithm in  
CSS3 Lists Module and we found some questions), should we cross-post  
on both www-style and public-i18-cjk (this list) ?



Received on Wednesday, 8 September 2010 17:41:19 UTC