Re: per-paragraph auto-direction, a.k.a. dir=uba

On 09/23/2010 11:47 AM, Aharon (Vladimir) Lanin wrote:
 >>  I'm thinking more about form controls, and I think 'plaintext' should
 >>  not be requiring dir=auto. In most cases, you want to use the inherited
 >>  direction for styling the form control: you don't want margins and
 >>  borders suddenly shifting around because the user has entered RTL text,
 >>  you want them to remain steady and match the surrounding UI's direction.
 >>  What you want to shift is only the base paragraph direction and the
 >>  text's horizontal alignment-- and "unicode-bidi: plaintext" alone will
 >>  handle for you.
 > I am not sure what you mean here. Form controls? Could you give an example?

The UI of my web app is in English. I have an <input>. It's empty. I type
Farsi text in it. It's margin-start now becomes margin-right, because its
'direction' is automatically changed by its contents. This is bad. It should
not change. Only the bidi ordering of my text and its text-align should change.
The 'direction' property of the form element should not change.


Received on Friday, 24 September 2010 01:28:46 UTC