Re: Initial Feedback on Bidi Improvements in HTML

I have not seen such layout in Hebrew books.

Would you by any chance have a scan of such a page or a document url that
intentionally uses such layout?


On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 7:36 PM, Craig Cummings <> wrote:

> Dear Aharon and Bidi Specialists,
> Our first comments relate to section 3.10. The IE example 1 actually
> appears to be the correct solution -- we prefer this over the proposed
> solution. That is, default behavior should not ‘line up’ bullets or numbers
> to all the same side, more or less the left side, of an <li> element.
> Persian and Arabic (not sure about Hebrew) books, for example, have
> references/bibliographies with RTL references (and Arabic-Indic numerals)
> mixed with LTR references (and European numerals). RTL list items and their
> numbering in these references are right aligned and LTR list items and their
> numbering are left aligned.
> We have concerns about other parts of the specification and will be putting
> these in a email soon.
> Thank you,
> Craig Cummings, Yahoo
> Roozbeh Pournader, Gnome

Received on Wednesday, 14 April 2010 18:39:38 UTC