Re: Comments on HCG draft charter

On Mar 11, 2011, at 15:56 , Chris Lilley wrote:
> On Tuesday, March 8, 2011, 6:23:52 PM, Robin wrote:
> RB> Pardon my ignorance, but do we still have a Forms WG? Its charter
> RB> lists it as having expired in 2009.
> According to the (Member-only,no idea why) list of W3C Working Groups
> it ends 2012-03-31

Ah. That's a better source for information. What I did was:

  1) Google for "forms working group"
  2) Landed on (which seems legit)
  3) Clicked on that very fist sentence "The Forms working group is chartered..."
  4) Which brought me to

So I guess it's a case of the group's home page being out of date :)

> I agree that charters should be updated with revised end dates when groups are extended. But that also seems to have happened:
> "End date 	31 March 2012"

Right, which works great if you got the right charter in the first place. So second suggestion: update old charters to indicate that they are dead. What we have for TR works nicely, I'd like to suggest that we do the same thing for charters.

> RB> The TTWG is also marked as having expired in 2009. 
> Again from
> 	2011-03-31

Exactly as above with and!

Robin Berjon
  robineko — hired gun, higher standards

Received on Friday, 11 March 2011 15:37:45 UTC