Re: The state of hydra

Am 06.12.18 um 13:22 schrieb Lorenzo Moriondo:
>     It is not an early stage project. Hydra is around since 2012. If it is
>     not usable until now, I wonder if it will ever get there?
> The draft can become a standard only with wide industry adoption. I
> think that we are talking of a perspective of at least ~5-10 years, if
> we build the right packages for the most popular languages in the next
> few years. I suppose that the target is making Hydra become a standard
> for ~10-20% of the installations around. Considering the current
> adoption and the public tools available, we are still in an early phase,
> that is not so bad considering the time span that Hydra should target.


> There are two possible routes, both worthy: make vocabulary developers
> add Hydra to their spectrum of tools; but also facilitate at most the
> use of Hydra for newly published dataset that can link to existing ones.
> Hydra Ecosystem focuses on this second option.

My focus is on encouraging the usage of hydra and linked data in general
for APIs that did not use Hypermedia before. I want to show-case the
benefits of that approach.

>     Actually it's me and two colleagues. But we cannot act in a vacuum, we
>     need exchange and discussion with people working on the spec.
> The best effort we can carry on at the moment is to publish as many OSS
> tools and documentation as possible so people can experiment by themself
> as you are. 

We will carry on our experiments and will be happy for any feedback we
get on this mailing list.

> The real barriers (for new API developers) are not on Hydra
> concepts but upstream for RDF and Semantic Web concepts. The specs (with
> the addition of the use cases) are now pretty much self-explicative,

Maybe they are. Maybe not. As stated in the other tread, I do have an
understanding of how to use for example hydra:operation and
hydra:collection. The problem is, I cannot testify it. I do not have a
client of that I know it is hydra conform. Heracles is not usable for
me. Hydra console does not behave as expected. So I can only guess that
my API is correct - from what is stated in the spec it should be - but I
do not know finally.

If you say hydra-py might be a good reference I will take a look at that.

I also have to admit, I did not find the use-cases until recently and I
have to take a look at those too.

Best regards,

Received on Saturday, 8 December 2018 11:35:39 UTC