LDF Server.js version 2.0.0

Dear all,

We just published version 2.0.0 of the Linked Data Fragments JavaScript server,
which serves RDF datasets as Triple Pattern Fragments.

Due to a breaking change in the Hydra spec,
the paging properties are now named hydra:next, hydra:previous, hydra:first.
This unfortunately breaks all existing clients.
The JavaScript LDF client has been updated (v1.3.2)
to support *both* the old and new interfaces.
I suggest client developers to implement a similar fix [2].

I had hoped to also include a hydra:filter solution
in this version, to avoid a second round of breaking changes.
However, since the resolution has not still been decided yet,
such a breaking change will unfortunately be inevitable.
Please keep on discussing hydra:filter,
so we will have a solution soon.

– modularized architecture that is much easier to change and experiment with
– support for versioned datasets through the Memento protocol [3]



[1] https://github.com/LinkedDataFragments/Server.js/wiki/Release-2.0.0#breaking-changes
[2] https://github.com/LinkedDataFragments/Client.js/commit/9b02a00678c0b785507bb2b9399acd7fbc36255b
[3] https://github.com/LinkedDataFragments/Server.js/wiki/Configuring-Memento

Received on Thursday, 31 March 2016 15:46:47 UTC