Re: Operation with request body hint

Hello Karol


>> 1. The server instructs the client what the actual payload is. Period.
> So why it would need the payload to start with? If the payload is fixed,
> don't bother the client with it and have an operation that doesn't
> expect any body from the client - server will know it already.

Not that kind of fixed. More like fixed in the current circumstances. 
It's not the the operation doesn't expect any input. It's just the input 
is provided by the server.

I realize that it could be done by URI with query string parameters but 
complex structures will be awkward in query parameters and also I don't 
feel like POST/PUT with empty body.

>> 2. The server gives the initial representation, so that the client can
>> fill the UI with default values
> Well, smells like IriTemplate or MVC-like solution.
> I achieve this with a complete data model description that is used to
> build a UI form that is mapped to the underlying model which is a
> resource created from scratch with "defaults" relative to it's
> respective properties (or their ranges).

Sound fine. Though I'm not convinced this is flexible enough. For one, 
the defaults could be context-specific. For example a data field is 
automatically set to current data plus some offset. Or some 
user-specific values are used and ApiDocumentation is not enough.

> I feel that IriTemplate may still be usable on simple cases (I'm not
> sure on how to apply it to the body though), but in a more advanced
> situation I'd stick with those MVC approaches.
> That's why I stated that Hydra needs more generic approach when it come
> describing what an operation expects or returns.



Received on Monday, 14 March 2016 19:49:17 UTC