Re: Filters as views (ISSUE-45)

January 15 2016 1:19 PM, "Ruben Verborgh" <> wrote:

>>> It's the collection of properties that describe /people/karol,
>>> and you are requesting a subset (view) of those properties.
>> This could work. But do I understand correctly that essentially this treats any data as a
>> collection of triples?
> Yes—however, this is _not_ how I understood Hydra views.


> I was just arguing that, if necessary, Karol's example can be seen as such.

This is why I understand view as derived resources. A resource which is a slightly modified version of a root resource. It is similar to a templated link really but retains the root-derivative association. The nature of this modification is irrelevant to the hydra control. It is of course relevant to the client, and that should be defined by the property mapping IMO. It can be filtering of collection members, choosing properties to include or selecting a language for text properties. 

>> This is where a clear distinction of collection and filter arises. A view
>> /users?displayColumns=name,age would be applied to a collection of users but doesn't filter the
>> members but rather the members' inlined representations. What do you think?
> This is were we cross the boundary of resources/representations;
> might get very tricky there. I think we should first focus on resources.

I see though I'm not sure I agree. The same principle applies if you were to include/exclude properties of the resource itself.

Received on Friday, 15 January 2016 12:39:13 UTC