Re: Filters as views (ISSUE-45)

Dear all,

Another perspective on this solution for me:
for me personally (and I'm now going to be selfish here),
the most important thing is that I can finish the TPF spec
and send out to existing implementers of this spec
what their hypermedia controls should look like.

Currently, the spec (inaccurately) reads:
        hydra:search [
            hydra:template "{?s,p,o}";
            hydra:mapping  [ hydra:variable "s"; hydra:property rdf:subject ],
                           [ hydra:variable "p"; hydra:property rdf:predicate ],
                           [ hydra:variable "o"; hydra:property rdf:object ]

However, as we have discussed before,
hydra:search is not sufficient to express the semantics we need,
namely "the result of the operation created by instantiating this control
with specified values are those items of the collection which have the same values".
(hydra:search does not specify the exact way the inputs will be used.)

So, given this new proposal, will I be able to express these semantics,
and if so, how? Because "filter: true" on each of the mappings
does not seem to give me that (whereas the proposed previous proposal
would let me simply replace hydra:search by hydra:filter).



Received on Tuesday, 12 January 2016 20:10:43 UTC