Re: Filters as views (ISSUE-45)

Hi Markus,

>> The distinction between what is a view and what is a collection is not
> clear-cut.
> What's the difference between a PartialCollectionView and a Collection? IMO,
> it's the same difference as the one between a filtered collection and the
> collection itself.

Could you (help) provide definitions for both of them?
My hunch is that such definitions will be troublesome,
showing that the difference is not black and white.
(I have trouble coming up with definitions myself.)

>> What is a view and what is a collection?
>> How can we see/know if a resource is one of the other?
> Just as in paging. The server tells the client.

I meant more:
how does a server developer know the difference?

>> To use the composability of filters:
>> the domain and range of fieldSelector can be Filter.
> And the domain and range of fieldSelector?

That would be Filter, yes.

> So, I struggle to see the difference between pagination and filtering.

It is different.

– Paging breaks up a resource into multiple parts,
  which together, form the exact same resource.

– Filtering results in one subset of a resource.

– A filtered subset might be paged.

>> On the contrary, I'm doubting the usefulness of views
>> and think that, if everything is a collection,
>> there is no need to treat anything special.
> So, do you see the use of partial views in pagination or not? Does your
> statement above just apply to filtering?

Since I consider pagination and filter different,
I think they need different mechanisms.

But, if views are just going to be used for paging,
views might be to complicated.



Received on Tuesday, 12 January 2016 12:56:32 UTC