Re: Filters as views (ISSUE-45)

Hi Dietrich,

> Is this going to be a full-blown query language with OR, parentheses,
> grouping, functions, FROM equivalent etc.?

No, but it should be extensible to one / compatible with such languages.
By defining a generic "expression" type, that should work.

> If not, where do you draw the line?

AND/OR seems fine with me.

> I still feel it would be better not to add a general-purpose URL syntax
> description language to Hydra, but rather have a way to say that the
> client may formulate requests following a well-known, publicly specified
> query syntax:

> "urlSyntax": ... one of TPF, opensearch, odata ...

Then we lose the self-descriptiveness and we're back to square one.

The whole reason that I am using Hydra for TPF
is that I don't want to say to clients "just do the TPF thing".
I want a hypermedia control that says
"you can filter the collection by subject, predicate, object".

> That way, we do not have to explain the URL
> syntax to the machine on a case-by-case basis

Yes we do; and even worse, we only explain it in prose, not for machines.



Received on Monday, 15 February 2016 09:05:43 UTC