Yet another Hydra Console question


I’m quite advanced in my tiny creation of my own in C# and I wanted to test it with the Hydra Console. I did set it up on my machine locally (Windows 10, IIS7, PHP 5.6.13 x32 NTS FastCGI) using the procedure provided and I was able to start it up.

It does a request to my API documentation uri, but for some reason it fails with a strange exception: of type HTTP 400 JsonLdException:

Invalid value for @type detected (must be an IRI) (near {"@type":{"__iri":"@type","__value":{"__orig_value":"","__value":{"@id":""}}},"@value":"Describes a person."}).

I quickly reviewed my JSON-LD generated API documentation and it seems to be OK – testing it with JSON-LD playground shows no issues with neither expansion nor compaction. Also framing using context found in the PHP proxy works like a charm. Also the exception message seems weird – I don’t have a code listed in the message in my document.

Is there a chance that there is an issue in PHP JSON-LD API used in the proxy?

How can I post my JSON-LD document as it’s quite huge (1000 lines nicely formatted).


Karol Szczepański

Received on Monday, 21 September 2015 18:59:58 UTC