Re: Hydra Design Goals: How important is RDF?

> Right. Good point. We can make recommendations, though? In RFC 2119
> parlez, people SHOULD offer their Hydra-enabled APIs in
> application/ld+json.

I'd prefer:
Hydra-enabled APIs SHOULD offer at least a JSON-LD representation of their resources.

This does not exclude other representations.

>> For instance,
>>    $ curl -H "Accept: application/ld+json"
>> does give you JSON-LD, but not (yet) the kind you want I guess.
> I'm not sure how else the above can look and still be JSON-LD
> compatible?

With a different@ context, it would be much more accessible.

The current structure needs to be navigated as:


which throws away of the main advantage of JSON-LD,
namely that it is supposed to be "easily" usable as JSON.

>> Framing would be needed here.
> Elaborate, please. :)

JSON-LD framing (
allows JSON-LD documents to take a certain shape.

Only if the resource above is forced in a certain shape,
it would be usable as simple JSON as well.

So my argument is: simply mandating application/ld+json
does not necessarily simplify things for developers.
We probably need to impose a certain frame as well.



Received on Tuesday, 6 October 2015 11:57:58 UTC