Re: Modeling permissions with Hydra

2015-11-04 11:31 GMT+01:00 Tomasz Pluskiewicz <>:

>> How about the combination of a static hydra:ApiDocumentation and
>> inline hydra:operation? Would the latter override the former? Is this
>> described anywhere?
> This has been discussed in length before.

Can you please point me to this discussion?

> AFAIR, both descriptions are intended to be combined. The is no
> overriding

That's unfortunate. Do you remember the key arguments for this design decision?

> But in light of the above, you would have to use 401 status codes.

I find this problematic. Both because 401 relates to authentication
and because the client needs to perform an extra request. I think 403
Forbidden or 405 Method Not Allowed are more suitable, but still think
it should be possible for inline hydra:* to be able to override

> As an alternative, you could have client-side rules to be executed on
> resources to determine whether a particular operation is allowed.

I think that solution puts a huge burden on the clients, which is
already pretty large due to the requirement of having full JSON-LD and
Hydra processing capability. Because it is the "Code on demand"
requirement of REST you're proposing as a solution here, right?

Asbjørn Ulsberg           -=|=-
«He's a loathsome offensive brute, yet I can't look away»

Received on Wednesday, 4 November 2015 11:57:06 UTC