RE: forthcoming new feature specs for LDF

On 2 Jul 2015 at 22:56, Ruben Verborgh wrote:
> Hi Markus,
> I'll start with the most important thing:
>> Would this replace the TPF spec?
> Certainly not.
> The TPF spec also defines a feature, and quite an important one.
> This spec will remain as-is, and it will remain an important building
block for APIs.

OK. So the plan wouldn't be to rewrite it so that it is defined as a
specific set or combination of features? 

>> Do you intend to make some features required to define a least common
>> denominator between clients and servers?
> That's not the intention at the moment.
> The common denominators are the features themselves.

The more features there are, the more combinations thereof exist, the less
likely it becomes that a client and a server will be able to fully
understand each other. Don't you think that might be a problem in practice?
Wouldn't it hinder adoption? Or at least make it much more difficult?

> Client are free, however, to demand more.
> For instance, if a client needs to solve a complex SPARQL query,
> but the server only offers substring search,
> then the client cannot complete the task.
> However, the client might solve simple queries with this interface, such
> SELECT ?literal {
>     ?s ?p ?literal.
>     FILTER REGEX(?literal, "abc")
> }
> as this can be evaluated using only substring search.

Yep. That would mean, however, that the application on top of such a client
library would need to be adapted. That's something we would like to avoid at
all cost in general.

>> Another nice weekend read. Could you please share a direct link to the
>> papers themselves as well?
> The camera-ready versions aren't complete yet,
> we will definitely share once they are.

Yeah, please do even if this specific discussion is over at that point.

>> How do you intend to spec it? Would this replace the TPF spec? Or would
>> there be two additional specs?
> It would be two (small) additional feature specs, and more could follow

How would you call those two specs?

Probably a bit premature to discuss this but have you considered writing a
single feature spec instead? Also, do you intend to define different
conformance classes/products?

> The approximate membership metadata spec requires the server also
implements TPF.
> The substring feature is independent of other features.
> (However, to use substrings in complex SPARQL queries, the client also
needs TPF.)
> Think of it as the machine equivalent of UI controls / widgets.
> One spec defines autocompletion, the other defines a search bar,
> yet another defines a people tagging control.

To be honest, I find that a slightly misleading analogy as that causes
people to focus on the design and the UX. A better one (IMO, anyway) would
be to compare that to SQL - or SPARQL for that matter. What we define here
are query operators.

> But they can all be used together, and depending on what is present
> the client/user can or cannot do certain things (more efficiently).

Right. Those features allow us to move along the spectrum from static dumps
to fully featured SPARQL endpoints.

Markus Lanthaler

Received on Monday, 6 July 2015 21:16:09 UTC