Re: Mapping between a generic Web API and an LDP Server

>>> On 27 Jan 2015 at 22:08, Tomasz Pluskiewicz wrote:
>>>> On 2015-01-27 18:10, Miguel wrote:
>>>>> Hi everybody,
>>>>> I am working on a platform to define linked data applications using a
>>>>> dataflow language based on SPARQL.
>>> Could you elaborate a bit on this? Or provide some pointers to get a better
>>> idea of what exactly you are working on?
>> The language basically allows the developer to define pipelines of RDF
>> operators to build complex RDF transformations, that may also hold a
>> state (e.g., to define interactive applications). The behavior of most
>> of the nodes of the pipeline is defined through SPARQL 1.1 queries,
>> that may also be dynamically generated by other nodes.
>> It is still in a very experimental stage, but I was able to build some
>> simple interactive visualizations with it.
>> Some basics facts about the platform and links to publications and
>> code are on
> Cool... I assume it's not open sourced (yet)? In any case, you might be interested in trying to integrate that with NoFlo.

Actually it is open source and online on three repos:
- : the main pipeline engine
- : Web application including
the engine and adapter for Web apps
- : visual pipeline editor
packaged for Callimachus

Well, in case someone is interested in looking at the code, I have to
confess that at the moment the three last versions are not completely
in sync between them and with the last version of the language
(basically, the ontology at [1]). And also that much cleanup and
documentation is needed.

Recently I started looking to NoFlo and I am very much interested in
integrating my project with NoFlo.
Actually I started thinking about that generic mapping described in
the previous emails because of the NoFlo protocol (FBP Network
Protocol [2]).
I would like to map the FBP protocol to a linked data based
representation of the pipelines and their execution.

I did not present the problem mentioning FBP because I think it adds
another layer of complexity to the problem the fact that FBP is not
currently based on HTTP transport, but instead on Web Messaging
(postMessage), WebSocket or WebRTC.



Received on Friday, 30 January 2015 15:30:52 UTC