Challenge: snippets for Social WG API User Stories


In Social WG we've compiled recently a list of User Stories to help us
clarify API requirements

IMO many people in Social WG may think about API in non hypermedia
driven way - hardcoding magic strings into 'endpoint' URIs. I also think
that showing few Hydra examples based on those actual stories, which we
complied there, can shed some light on flexibility and elegance offered
by hypermedia and Hydra in particular :)

Since I would like to offer few examples of how Hydra would handle
documented stories. For that purpose I copied them over to our wiki

In next days I hope to add few examples based on my understanding how
Hydra currently works. At the same time I would like to invite everyone
interested to also contribute just few examples to User Stories you find
interesting or may even consider implementing yourself using Hydra.

Cheers o/

Received on Sunday, 22 February 2015 18:48:55 UTC