Paged collection of things ordered in time

Hi Hydra-CG,

I have list of json-ld objects ordered by a timestamp. In order to 
expose then over HTTP, I've created a PagedCollection. Each page looks 
something like this right now:

@id: "",
hydra:nextPage: "",
hydra:previousPage: "",
@context: ...
@graph : [ ... ]

It would be interesting for my client to:

1. Get an indication with iso8601 timestamps what the window of time is 
that has been returned, and the window of time of the next and previous 
page (so that my client knows whether it needs to request the nextPage 
or not)

2. Know on what key the PagedCollection is ordered

3. Less important but worth mentioning: get to know whether the ordering 
of the json-ld graph is guaranteed or not. This way I'd know whether I 
should still order the graph on the client-side first

Concerning 1: does it seem like a good solution to use dcterms:temporal 
for this with an owltime:Interval? Any other possibilities?

Concerning 2: does anyone have any pointers to indicating that a Paged 
Collection is ordered according to a certain key of the graph elements?

Kind regards,


Linked Open Transport Data researcher
UGent - MMLab - iMinds

Received on Wednesday, 19 August 2015 12:01:12 UTC