Re: versioning

Hi Pat,

> So should the spec somehow allude to the point that the concept of versioning needs to be reconsidered when using hypermedia (since developers (or at least the good ones!) will naturally ask 'how does API versioning work with Hydra?')…? 

I think that, in general, the spec could/should introduce people to hypermedia APIs.
What they are, what their strengths and weaknesses are, and how clients typically work.

Increased robustness to evolution over time would be an important part of that.

> For example, look at [1] and [2] to see how important 'API versioning' is to Apigee (quotes: 'Versioning - one of the most important considerations when designing your pragmatic API', and 'Never release an API without a version and make the version mandatory'!)

Indeed, such dogma is quite prevalent (as versioning is indeed a necessity with non-hypermedia HTTP APIs).
A very good reason to mention this explicitly somewhere (possibly in the Core Vocabulary document).



Received on Friday, 19 September 2014 08:47:52 UTC