Re: query language

I'm with Ruben and wonder what can't be accomplished with Hydra hypermedia
controls? They should able to generate the kind request that you want, and
do so in a more controlled way.

RQL feels a little like OData in that allows the client to form queries on
their own if they understand the URL conventions. Both RQL and OData enable
the ability to issue adhoc queries to your service. If I wanted to clients
to be able to do that, I'd expose a SPARQL endpoint. OData does this to the
extreme and it's URL conventions is one of my biggest annoyances with
OData. You basically have what people now call "OData URLs" and it requires
the client to understand how to generate OData URLs in order to talk to an
OData server.


On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 7:48 AM, László Lajos Jánszky <> wrote:

> @Erik Wilde Thanks
> > might be an
> interesting thing to look at. the idea is to augment the existing standard
> of URI template (RFC 6570) in a way that allows services to
> describe/annotate links.
> Thanks! I will check it!
> @Ruben Verborgh
> > What functionality would this offer that the current hypermedia controls
> in the Core Vocabulary do not?
> I cannot say, since I don't have it. It would probably result a better
> URI templating mechanism and on service side an automatic URI parsing
> mechanism. Erik might be right, so this should be a separate standard
> instead of part of the Hydra vocab. But I think it should be
> compatible with Hydra, so we could use the already existing class
> definitions by creating and validating the template.

Ryan J. McDonough

Received on Wednesday, 10 September 2014 15:33:57 UTC