Re: hydra and void

Hi Melvin,

> Thanks Ruben.  How about discovery.  Does hydra tell you *where* to find an API, from a website root?

Hypermedia. Just follow a link.

And if you ask me, the website *is* the API :-)
It's time we stop treating humans and machines so differently;
give machines the right hypermedia controls, and they can use the website/API.

> VOID does this as /.well-known/void is registered already with IANA

I've never understood the need for .well-known.
Humans don't need it, right?
We land on a random page and just follow links to get where we want.
The same can work for machines.

> Is there any equivalent in hydra?

A machine starts with a URL of some resource in the API.
It GETs a machine-readable representation of that resource.
Inside that resource, there will be links, which a machine can follow.

You could also be very explicit and add
    </docs/> a ApiDocumentation.

But honestly, I think a link or form works better.

If you want to see such a hypermedia API at work,
take a look at
This is a random resources from a hypermedia API.
Try to get a representation both with your browser and with curl.
You'll see that in all cases, you'll get links to reach all of the API.



Received on Wednesday, 29 October 2014 20:14:33 UTC